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Photo(Electro)Catalysis Lab @ IIT Delhi
PEC Lab is focused on designing non-noble metal catalysts for the development of photocatalysts and electrocatalysts to perform water splitting, CO2 reduction, [NO3]- reduction and NH3 oxidation for the production of renewable fuels and/or value-added products
PEC group also works on building phosphamide polymeric materials to perform P(V)/P(III)-mediated organic transformations and or energy applications of the phosphamide polymers.
Group Updates
Congratulations Hirak for his first research article as first author in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2025!
PEC lab welcomes Muskan, the new PhD student!
Congratulation Laxmikanta for successfully completing his pre-PhD synopsis!
Congratulations Anubha for her successfully completing her PhD work and submitting her PhD thesis!
Congratulations Dikshita for her first research article in Small 2025!
Congratulations Anubha and Avinava for their J. Mat. Chem. A 2024 papers!
Congratulations Dr. Chakraborty for being promoted to Associate Professor!
PEC lab says Good Bye to Avinava, the first PhD student!
Congratulations Nidhi for her new contribution in JOC 2024!
Congratulations Laxmikanta for oral poster award from E-MRS!
Recent Articles
PhD position available time to time! Candidates with M.Sc. in chemistry or inorganic chemistry with an interested in inorganic material synthesis and electro-/photo-catalysis may apply through IITD application portal for June or December session each year.
Institute or personal funded postdoc positions are not available in the group. PEC lab can only host the externally funded postdocs. Interested postdoc candidate with inorganic chemistry or material science background may write application/proposal for WISE (DST) fellowship, NPDF (SERB), CSIR-RA or any other funding opportunities and we can assist you .
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